Thanks for sharring this -- and good for you that you got some money and more important, no more dues!
I was told that Marriott would be enroling one new resort each month into their resale program until all the resorts are in the program. I was told this information three weeks ago directly from the resales department.
What a relief it must be to be done with those sky high dues -- and if you miss Marriott too much, you can always buy another platinum Marriott week at those resorts or a few others for about a dollar on ebay.
I was told that Marriott would be enroling one new resort each month into their resale program until all the resorts are in the program. I was told this information three weeks ago directly from the resales department.
What a relief it must be to be done with those sky high dues -- and if you miss Marriott too much, you can always buy another platinum Marriott week at those resorts or a few others for about a dollar on ebay.
Here's the latest on the Marriott resale department. Yesterday Marriott agreed to buy back our Harbour Club (HHI) sport week and both our Grande Vista weeks, one gold, one platinum. Harbour Club $2250-$750 for closing. Grande Vista (2 bed) gold $2500-$500 for closing and Grande Vista (2 bed) platinum $$3000-$500 closing. I'm not going to debate the wisdom of our move, we just wanted out. We tried selling them ourselves, but in today's world it's just too hard. We're just relieved to get them off the books. Marriott was not interested in listing these for us. They said we could get on a waiting list to get on waiting list. They want the buy backs for 2013 use. This is an easy way out with no scams.