My first post on this forum.
I know that there is no real answer, but I'd be willing to take advice.
I just deposited my 2009 Thanksgiving week at Marriott Newport Coast...and requested week of 12/12/09 at Disney BeachClub Villas OR Disney BoardWalk Villas for Sat or Sun arrival. If I request Friday, I may not be able to use that one day due to work.
We really prefer to stay at one of these two Disney locations to be able to walk to Epcot. But, I have no idea if it is likely, unlikely, or next to impossible to get this exchange.
I don't have any idea how Disney releases inventory. DVC members can only request stays up to 11 month in advance at home resort and 7 months in advance for other DVC resorts. So unless DVC has extra inventory, I doubt they relase to II before that. Yet I've heard that one should place requests 13 months in advance. And DVC member deposit points, not specific weeks.
So my questions are:
1. Chances of getting this request? When might I hear?
2. Should I open up request to include other DVC resorts such as Wilderness Lodge Villas? Or even Old Key West or Saratoga Springs? I'm afraid if I list those also, that's where I'll be exchanged into. But if it is quite unlikely I'll get the two I really want, I'll add on these requests. At what point should I consider adding on the other DVC resorts onto my request?
3. We have stayed before at Marriott Grande Vista (where we are owners), but wanted to stay on site. How do these resorts compare with Grande Vista?
4. If I don't get any of the DVC resorts, how likely is it to be able to get into some Orlando timeshare that week? It appears by looking at this year it would be pretty likely...even at one of the Marriott ones. Is this anyone's experience?
THANKS IN ADVANCE anyone who is willing to give information, advice, etc. I'm going to book airfare as far in advance as I can as FF mile bookings for 6 are getting hard to do so I'll probably have my flight booked before my stay.
I just discovered this forum and you guys seem to be full of advice. Just wish I'd discovered you a few years ago.
I know that there is no real answer, but I'd be willing to take advice.
I just deposited my 2009 Thanksgiving week at Marriott Newport Coast...and requested week of 12/12/09 at Disney BeachClub Villas OR Disney BoardWalk Villas for Sat or Sun arrival. If I request Friday, I may not be able to use that one day due to work.
We really prefer to stay at one of these two Disney locations to be able to walk to Epcot. But, I have no idea if it is likely, unlikely, or next to impossible to get this exchange.
I don't have any idea how Disney releases inventory. DVC members can only request stays up to 11 month in advance at home resort and 7 months in advance for other DVC resorts. So unless DVC has extra inventory, I doubt they relase to II before that. Yet I've heard that one should place requests 13 months in advance. And DVC member deposit points, not specific weeks.
So my questions are:
1. Chances of getting this request? When might I hear?
2. Should I open up request to include other DVC resorts such as Wilderness Lodge Villas? Or even Old Key West or Saratoga Springs? I'm afraid if I list those also, that's where I'll be exchanged into. But if it is quite unlikely I'll get the two I really want, I'll add on these requests. At what point should I consider adding on the other DVC resorts onto my request?
3. We have stayed before at Marriott Grande Vista (where we are owners), but wanted to stay on site. How do these resorts compare with Grande Vista?
4. If I don't get any of the DVC resorts, how likely is it to be able to get into some Orlando timeshare that week? It appears by looking at this year it would be pretty likely...even at one of the Marriott ones. Is this anyone's experience?
THANKS IN ADVANCE anyone who is willing to give information, advice, etc. I'm going to book airfare as far in advance as I can as FF mile bookings for 6 are getting hard to do so I'll probably have my flight booked before my stay.