I think you are right - that was probably the whole purpose for his visit. His agenda probably read:
10:00 Arrive on MVCI funded jet
10:00-11:00 Review plans to keep Ocean Club defects secret
11:00-12:00 Coach Ocean Club BOD on what to say
12:00-2:00 Lunch w/ Aruba politicos to grease the wheels
2:00-3:00 Discuss plans to take advantage of Surf Club and future timeshare owners
3:00-3:30 Token visit to Aruba Resort as coverup
3:30-4:00 Drinks at Champions Sports bar
4:00 Depart
It is the attention to detail that sets the great businessmen apart.
- Just trying to add some balance.
FunnyAs much as I think you may have been writing tongue in cheek Im not sure that some of this is far from the truth, particularily the 12:00-2:00 pm part. It has been pretty much taken as a given by Aruban residents that that is exactly what did go on with the Marriott when most(if not all ) island development laws were either broken, changed or amended to give Marriott everything they asked for much to the detriment of the island, that however is another issue altogether.
The sad thing is that whatever his agenda we'd never know. The board would likely vote to keep that a secret too![]()
Way to sound informed. A law was amended to accommodate the island, what a shocker. Marriott is the #1 job resource on the Island and tourism is what Aruba does. Stop drinking the koolaid and maybe things will be a little clearer.
Now this is funny, and shows truly how uniformed YOU are. Do you know anything about Aruba at all? I ask because if you did you would realize how silly your comments are. I am not going to derail this thread by lowering myself to your level and debate something that isnt open for debate. Let me simply say that perhaps you should inform yourself about Aruba better, the history of Marriott in Aruba, the needs and wishes of Aruban residents and then perhaps you might have something intelligent to add to the conversation....till then![]()
Now this is funny, and shows truly how uniformed YOU are. Do you know anything about Aruba at all? I ask because if you did you would realize how silly your comments are. I am not going to derail this thread by lowering myself to your level and debate something that isnt open for debate. Let me simply say that perhaps you should inform yourself about Aruba better, the history of Marriott in Aruba, the needs and wishes of Aruban residents and then perhaps you might have something intelligent to add to the conversation....till then![]()
Hi Denise
I think this post is extremely beneficial to us timeshare owners that have a place at the ocean club. I also think it serves other owners as a way of seeing what is coming their way. We are close to having enough signatures to get a special meeting and as a member of tug I am disappointed that you would consider closing the post rather than blocking the offenders from posting. I am hoping that is an option and I really do appreciate the effort it takes to monitor this site. Its one of the better sites and this post cleary is effective.
Well the board members have gone thru thier"weeding out" process. Seems that 45 people applied to be on the board. They only spoke to 7 of the 45 and then chose the 4 they would allow run for the board. I know people who were more than qualified but yet never got a call from the board.
THen to add insult to injury the GM Corey, a Marriott employee, sends an email to all who were not selected, with a form letter saying they weren't chosen. Why couldn't Melissa and Steve (the nomination committee) do the right thing and send the letters out themselves. This is why we need to change the existing board through a special meeting.
It was really low that 1) they did not really consider everyone (could it be they already had thier choices made up prior to getting nomination forms), 2) take the upper road and personally send out the emails telling those who took the time to fill out the application and provided other relevant data, which was asked of them.
This speaks volumes and none of them good. Why would/should the current Board "review" or approve candidates? An owner is an owner, therefore is automatically qualified to run/serve and it should be up to the voters (owners) who the top candidates are. They should see the resumes/candidate statements for ALL and let the votes decide the outcome. This really smacks of incestuous selection and, unfortunately, something to hide. Those who have followed this near record setting thread (maybe it is the record, I don't know) know that I have not been particularly supportive of MarkSue views. But in this case it is right on - this stinks!
If there wasn't a reason for a special meeting / recall before there certainly is now. Good luck to all.
Do you really think that a ballot with 45 candidates on it would be meaningful? I agree that process needs improvement - 4 candidates is too few - but clearly having a ballot with 45 candidates on it would be unworkable. Assuming 1/4 of page for each candidates resume and a very short statement, you would be looking at a 10 page ballot.
But I do think there has to be a better way.
The dissidents here only represent a small, small fraction of the membership.
Well Eric it looks like MarkSue and others who have voiced their opinion on this thread have some networking to do. But I am sure with the hard work already done your "small, small fraction of the membership" can easily be changed to the "vast majority of the membership". It may take just some extra effort on their part but I am sure all would be up to the challenge.