I am confused, why are so many people trying so hard to hide or cover up the facts? I believe that people need to be accountable for their actions. Only recently have I become aware of this ongoing problem at the Surf Club. But it seems to me that if people go out of their way to avoid this particular travel week or look for compensation from Marriott for being forced to endure a hellish vacation then a REAL problem exists. So why not point a finger to the culprits? I don't get it. I don't care who they are; white, black, yellow, catholic, Jewish, protestants, new yorkers, bostonians.
I am so tired of the political correctiveness. If people behave badly, say so. Hold them accountable. You expect Marriott to step up and yet some of you aren't even willing to say it like it is. Do you act the same while on vacation? Do you destroy or thrash property? Do you allow your children to run wild disrespecting people? Well, if not, why in the name of God, would you protect them?
I love the fact that some of you are coming up with various ways to be politically correct in ways to describe this group, some as far as labeling them private school kids. Well, let me tell you something. I highly resent that. My husband and I made tremendous sacrifices to give our 3 children the best private/catholic school education we could afford and they are well mannered, productive and respectful young adults.
Let's not reinforce horrendous behavior. How fair is that to the families that work hard all year long and look forward to their yearly January vacation? We throw them under the bus in favor of the bullies? Because that's what you are doing when your solution to them is " have another drink, switch your travel week, go to another beach". Right is right and wrong is wrong. Period.
Maybe I am having a bad day but this is wrong in so many ways.