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[June thread] Hilton Head Island, SC


Jun 5, 2008
Reaction score
My wife and I recently purchased a 3BR, floating (week 7 on the deed), EOY timeshare at Island Links on HHI. The developer we bought through was called Coral Resorts. I know we overpaid: 10,000 was the selling price and we're beyond the rescind period. The MF are $450 EOY, RCI Yearly Fee, and we get 24,000 RCI points a year. We're starting off with 94,000 points. Ir also comes with a "Developers Week". It appears that we select a week/unit and locate renters. I guess we can make a little money to put towards the fees and such. People have been saying that renting is very difficult, as is selling the TS. I assume we'd lose a lot of money if we sold our unit in 15-20 years... The unit includes free golf/tennis, beach access, nice pools, etc. Here's the way I see it: My wife and I fell in love with HHI, SC. A week's vacation on HHI for 2 adults would run, at the minimum, $1500. This price includes lodging, golf, most meals, etc. I really think we will get our money's worth in the next 10-15 years. We plan to go there on a yearly basis, meaning May or October each year. Yes, I know we overpaid, but many 1st time buyers have done so. I will buy a resale from now on. What do people think of our situation? Any advice, opinions, or recommendations?

Dave M

TUG Lifetime Member
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Sun City Hilton Head, SC
I think you have taken an excellent approach, one that most of us took after first finding out that buying from the developer was a much more expensive way than necessary to get into timesharing.

I'm sure you'll have many, many wonderful vacations on my favorite island for relaxing.

Renting high-demand weeks (i.e., mostly May-September) should be relatively easy. See the TUG "how to rent" article and the related "how to sell article" located at the top of the list of topics for this Buying, Selling, Renting forum. Renting off-season weeks would be much more challenging.


Jun 5, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, now, with my floating week, are we limited as to what weeks we can use the TS? Our plan is to book 45 days or less from our arrival date to maximize point usage. I am assuming that the RCI points allow us more flexibility on when we can use our home resort, yes? I know we run the risk of nothing being available, but 24,000 RCI points a year isnt a whole lot to work with. Let me add that we're starting with 94,000, as the salesman doubled the points. I just want to make sure that we arent tied down to a couple periods throughout the year. Our hope is that we can rent out a week with little or no hassle. I'll do research on how to best rent out a unit.


TUG Member
Sep 16, 2007
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South Jersey
I can't help you with the renting, but as a place to go, we own at Island Links and we LOVE it there. (Like Dave, HH is my favorite island to relax!) We go to IL almost every year (have only traded twice in 8 years). The units are very large, nicely furnished, satellite TV, free wireless internet (works very well), BBQ grills, lots of shade, nice layout, some nice golf course views, GREAT pool, nice game room...the list goes on. We always use the golf while we are there. Hubby really likes the Port Royal golf courses but has also occasionally been to Shipyard to play. We rarely play tennis since we usually go in the summer and spend a lot of time at the pool or beach.

That being said, my favorite time in HH is actually off-season. We go once in the summer and once in the off-season every year - sometimes we even manage a third trip!

I also can't help you with the points as I bought before Coral Resorts came in, and I bought a deeded week.

Your approach is great - we also way overpaid for our first week. We don't really regret it though as it introduced us to timesharing, which we love. You're also lucky that you found TUG so soon. I have owned TS for TWELVE years and only found TUG last September. I had to learn all of the ins and outs on my own. (But learn them I did!!)

If you have any more questions about the resort itself, please feel free to PM me. ENJOY your HHI vacations!!


Tug Review Crew: Rookie
TUG Member
Sep 28, 2007
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Apple Valley, CA
Welcome to TUG!

We felt the same way after buying our Marriott developer week for $11K 5 years ago (before we knew about resale). However, between buying additional getaway weeks which we do about 2X a year and using our week we are more than getting a good value for our purchase. Our vacations (too numerous to count already!) we have taken so far have been priceless. We have very young children so they will have many years of fabulous vacations at great resorts. The brief buyers remorse we had was just that...brief.

You will likely get a lot of wonderful vacations for your money.


Jun 5, 2008
Reaction score
I am really enjoying TUG so far. Our hope is that we'll learn the in's and out's from members on here. Yes, we both wish we took our time and researched, but we're very happy with HHI. I know we'll do what we can to make the most of it! I appreciate all the advice and openness...


TUG Review Crew: Veteran
TUG Member
Sep 14, 2007
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Check out the RCI points area. I think they get great 9000pts week when booking within 45 days. If that't the case you get about 2.5 weeks a year. Not bad.


Mar 18, 2009
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My wife and I recently purchased a 3BR, floating (week 7 on the deed), EOY timeshare at Island Links on HHI. The developer we bought through was called Coral Resorts. I know we overpaid: 10,000 was the selling price and we're beyond the rescind period. The MF are $450 EOY, RCI Yearly Fee, and we get 24,000 RCI points a year. We're starting off with 94,000 points. Ir also comes with a "Developers Week". It appears that we select a week/unit and locate renters. I guess we can make a little money to put towards the fees and such. People have been saying that renting is very difficult, as is selling the TS. I assume we'd lose a lot of money if we sold our unit in 15-20 years... The unit includes free golf/tennis, beach access, nice pools, etc. Here's the way I see it: My wife and I fell in love with HHI, SC. A week's vacation on HHI for 2 adults would run, at the minimum, $1500. This price includes lodging, golf, most meals, etc. I really think we will get our money's worth in the next 10-15 years. We plan to go there on a yearly basis, meaning May or October each year. Yes, I know we overpaid, but many 1st time buyers have done so. I will buy a resale from now on. What do people think of our situation? Any advice, opinions, or recommendations?
I bought Island Links thru Coral Resorts too. I already had a timeshare that they told me they would sell within 90 days. I could use that money to pay for the new one. It was a lie. I also got the Builders Week. They said to call in Jan every year and they would send me a check for $2500. That was a lie. I am currently putting together a Class Action suit against Coral Resorts because of misrepresentation. I, too, overpaid because I "believed" them. If you would be interested in joining our efforts, please let me know. Thanks.


TUG Member
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Hilton Head Island, SC
WE bought Island Links years ago when there were only 3 buildings and own a floating deeded week. We actually considered transferring to the points system, but it was a scam (did a previous post on this).

We used Island Links for years until we bought a retirement villa on the island. We have been able to successfully reserve our week 12 months in advance every year (which we now rent). When we had the points discussion, I was told (and I do think this is true) that you must book/reserve your week within the first 2 months of the year or it automatically gets banked. (I heard this also when we did a vacation village tour). Bottom line, reserve your week(s) as soon as possible - it is always easier to change the date once you already have one then to not have one at all.

Good luck. I do think you will enjoy both Island Links and HHI.


TUG Review Crew: ELITE
TUG Member
Jun 12, 2005
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brandon, fl

Did you receive my email concerning Island Links? Linda


Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
too many of us lied to by Coral

Hi Lakesgal,

There are many of us who were told many lies by Coral employees. We were too. Bought last year and got a boat load of lies.

The class action lawsuit was already done, and if you search at the County website (online, public info), you can find there were 25 or more people in the lawsuit. All show dismissed, but it doesn't show the outcome other than that. Google it. You'll find some info.

I don't remember what county that is, but it would be easy with an online search. Someone mentioned it to me and it was very easy to find.

We wish we had rescinded. Stupid us.