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Intrawest to sell off assets


TUG Member
Mar 7, 2006
Reaction score
I'm with tashamen on this one. I'm a CI member who sees minimal value in the HGVC locations offered to CI members.

The limited expansion of CI locations over the past several years has been quite disappointing.

I am being honest - and sincere in the question. How do you know any more than I do what the more than 30,000 CI members think about HGVC (or anything else)? There are lots of us who are simply not interested in the HGVC locations. Whether it's a minority or not I have no idea as I don't have the kind of inside information that you seem to allude to.


TUG Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver BC
Bill I too am a CI member. I saw somewhere on here that you able to use a studio CI unit in 11. How did you do that?


Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Lake Tapps, WA
Bill I too am a CI member. I saw somewhere on here that you able to use a studio CI unit in 11. How did you do that?
I've been a CI member for many years and a II member since 1995. So I asked II if I could bring my CI into II. In 2002, they let me do that. Since then I've been trading my CI with II.

This year I deposited 2 studio weeks from CI ( in oct) with II, one got me a great trade, Oct studio at Whistler for a 2 bed in Nov at Newport coast. The other studio I still have as a pending request.