I hope Comrade Whitmer is not monitoring TUG! Speaking of MI, my daughter's beloved summer camp in MI just announced they are cancelling weeks 1&2. They will determine the rest of the weeks by 5/15. I absolutely cannot understand why summer camp is not an acceptable activity. Camp is OPTIONAL unlike school. If you don't want your kid to go, then don't send them! Kids have VERY low risk and the staff is young , healthy adults. It's a no brainer to me. And God knows, these kids could really use some camp after what they have been through.
There are several concerns:
1) Camps are close quarters with shared bathrooms similar to jails, and meat packing plants which have been hot spots for the disease. The kids, and their parents transporting them, could unknowingly spread disease to the rest of their family and the community. It puts unnecessary pressure on healthcare systems and healthcare workers who are already overburdened.
2) If it is like most camps, the teen staff will clean the bathrooms, wash the camp dishes and facilities with new camp attendees arriving every week. Do the math on how many potentially infected people the counselors are exposed to even if they don't clean the bathrooms or wash dishes.
3) It will be difficult if not impossible for young kids and teens to socially distance and to keep masks on.
4) The camp could tarnish their reputation if kids get sick with Covid19. If a significant number of campers become ill, they could be easily overwhelmed especially if the kids are not local and the parents can't come immediately to pick them up.
5) They could also be sued by angry parents if their child becomes ill with Covid19, or brings it home endangering others.