Savvy input...
My personal and professional opinion is that neither HOA or the management company should accept deed-backs unless they know where they can find a new owner will to pay the current years maintenance fee and continue on. Too many resorts/HOA/management companies do not understand that while they may be making a friend by accepting deed-backs that are slowly burying the rest of the owners. This practice must stop before the many of the owners left to pay where the others bailed out want out also....
Thanks for your thoughtful input. Few people here (or anywhere else, for that matter) have a background or knowledge base as extensive as yours, so your expressed observations and opinions are highly valued.
Your thoughts on deedbacks appropriately reflect some "bigger picture" insight. People often seem ready, willing and able to just put on the blinders and believe that it's just a
great idea for resorts to routinely accept deedbacks --- particularly when
they are the ones who want
out, but can't sell their week(s)
. Remaining owners everywhere have experienced and continue to endure the obvious consequences (i.e., continually increasing fees) of those HOA owned weeks just lying fallow, with
no one being responsible for maintenance fees on those dormant HOA owned weeks.
There is no question that it's a tough economy and a difficult situation overall in timeshares these days, particularly with the emergence and growth of PostCard Companies and assorted other timeshare "donation" recipients, some of them of highly questionable (even borderline unlawful) intent. Some "donation" recipients with a bogus "LLC" even overtly state that they will provide an "ownership out" (for a fee), but have absolutely no intentions of
ever paying
any fees to the resort; they openly admit and proclaim that fact.
Anyway, thanks again for your thoughts and shared wisdom. It is much appreciated.