Hello all,
Thanks to TUG user Grammarhero, I was able to look at Tennessee's timeshare laws.
- Tennessee – TN, TN has no anti-deficiency laws, TS statues begin at 66-32-101 https://advance.lexis.com/documentpage/?pdmfid=1000516&crid=5178a5ca-9f2e-49a6-9e03-9671bc8a5b72&nodeid=ACNABGAABAAB&nodepath=/ROOT/ACN/ACNABG/ACNABGAAB/ACNABGAABAAB&level=4&haschildren=&populated=false&title=66-32-101.+Short+title.&config=025054JABlOTJjNmIyNi0wYjI0LTRjZGEtYWE5ZC0zNGFhOWNhMjFlNDgKAFBvZENhdGFsb2cDFQ14bX2GfyBTaI9WcPX5&pddocfullpath=/shared/document/statutes-legislation/urn:contentItem:4X8K-WKT0-R03M-808V-00008-00&ecomp=h3t7kkk&prid=011cd32f-ea05-4fb7-bc94-598580c61884
In July, around the time of the 2024 annual meeting, I tried to get & was denied a list of all current owners at Hiawatha Manor East, (as the attached Tennessee Code mandates timeshare management to provide to timeshare owners). Vacatia was still the management company at that time.
Today, Dec 6, 2024, I was preparing to repeat that request, this time in writing, and was searching online for the correct address when I found several online postings by Lemonjuice and the above letter by the Board President, Archie Dolby.
For those of you who are owners at Hiawatha WEST, I found this open letter posted online from Lemonjuice:
I found this web page:
https://hiawatharesort.info/ which included notice of a zoom meeting. I received no notice of this Zoom meeting, despite having been in phone and email contact with a Board Member before the July 2024 Hiawatha East Board Meeting.
I am particularly alarmed by a paragraph contained in another open letter posted online from Lemonjuice.
https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/9c5c7e41-9e83-41e9-b65c-f0e3212dfb7d/downloads/ea6b3b1d-daeb-4851-9bfb-8505dfc62b0d/Introducing Lemonjuice Hiawatha East JP Edits .pdf?ver=1731343076339
I copied this directly from that letter, so it is of poor but readable quality. You can also access the letter at the link just above.
"D u rin g th e title record s reco n ciliatio n , th e form er b u ild in gs labeled F, G, H , I an d , J that were rem oved years ago still exist with in th e d eclaration s an d are believed to retain both th eir righ t to vote an d sh are of com m on elem en ts. Sin ce th ere can n ot be a valid vote of own ers on an y topic if th is is tr u e, o n e o f th e strategies th at will be stron gly con sid ered is u sin g th e p owers of fed eral laws to resolve th is u n u sual situ ation . T h ose fed eral laws are exercised in Bankruptcy court
This indicates that one strategy being proposed by Lemonjuice is to seek protection of the Bankruptcy Court.
I would like to establish contact with anyone who is an owner at Hiawatha EAST. I see others are outside Tennessee, and I live in Colorado. Being out of state certainly puts us at a disadvantage. I'm not very adept at using Bulletin Boards, but I would appreciate receiving any message here or privately.