Hmm. Thinking that maybe I should dump HGVC and just own WM.
I guess it depends on how you use HGVC.
There is some advantages to owning HGVC. You would be giving up
(a) Open Season Rental Rates
(b) Direct booking for all of the HGVC Club Resorts
(c) The flexibility to check-in any day of the week for a three night minimum at any HGVC Club resort. (
This comes in handy when trying to book the best airfare or when you want a few extra nights with vacation booked outside of HGVC (for example before/after a cruise leaving Miami, before/after a stay on Maui/Kauai))
(d) Access to RCI Points (NOTE: There are some RCI resorts that offer peak season weeks via RCI Points only.
Using RCI via WM to stay at a HGVC resort has it's disadvantages.
(1) You could only stay a week at a time at a HGVC resort via a RCI exchange (check-in normally Fri/Sat/Sun)
(2) You can only stay at a HGVC resort via a RCI exchange once every four years (although with HGVC having multiple resorts in the same location, you still have options)
(3) You can't pick the week you want to visit. Your travel dates will depend on what's deposited in the exchange company and your ability to get a match via the exchange queue.
(4) Exchange fees will continue to rise. RCI is already steep at $199 per week.