I am new to these guest cerficates. I was only made aware of them this past year. Is the guest fee for II a standard amount for each cerficate or does it vary according to the timeshare selected as well. As well, can I use the guest certificate to book for someone else. Thanks.
I may be reading you wrong, but it almost seems to be that you are confusing guest certificate with accommodation certificates.
A guest certificate allows someone else to use the reservation you booked on II ( exchange, getaway or accommodation certificate) when you are not are not going along too. Price varies by II membership level. You can find all II pricing in the faq at the bottom of the page.
Accommodation certificates are bonus weeks II hands out for various reasons. They show up under my units on II. There is a redemption fee to use these- usually around $300.
I apologize if I read your post incorrectly.