TUG Member
I looked at some auctions for access points on Ebay and it looked like the main “plus” was that the points gave 13 month booking access to a large number of resorts (which seems desirable), while the main “minuses” were that (1) the points were slightly more expensive than some resorts, (2) I’m guessing they aren’t deeded, and (3) since I only saw auctions for 300k or more access points, I’m guessing that they are only available in larger quantities?
Access, by my definition, was developed by Wyndham as a way to dump and manage the contracts they want to take in trade as current owners are motivated to trade up and contracts they have to take back when current owners dump their contracts to foreclosure procedure. Wyndham has a definition problem when it comes to such "pre-owned" contracts. They can't really have a "used" timeshare sale as, technically, after it's been slept in once, there's no such thing as an unused timeshare. By pooling their used contracts into a separate trust, they can transfer ownership without going into the second hand contract business. They can also use Access as a dump for any other contracts that might be leftovers or otherwise hard to get rid of.
That said, Wyndham made the brilliant observation that they have been able to sell ever larger contracts to their current owners with far less manpower effort and expense than by snagging cold calls from the street with promises of free vacations and various other gifts. For the past few years one of their big sales hooks has been to offer current owners a chance to trade their smaller UDI contract for this shiney new Access contract that will guarantee them lower maintenance fees by averaging the fees from many resorts and give them ARP at so many more resorts than their current singleton.
I think this would be one big reason why you observe mainly larger Access points contracts for sale on eBay. They were trade-up contracts; rather than first time buyer contracts.