Dean said:
II and RCI does the same thing at times. Plus the resorts need to have an out if something truly does happen. While I agree it's not the best solution, hopefully it's for a good cause such as those affected by hurricanes and not simply to rent the weeks out.
Errors and problems do happen and weeks must sometimes be cancelled
but this is normally vary rare.
I don't think it has ever occured in the past at the level of magnitude that is now going on with The Grand Mayan.
Mayan Palace is abusing and exploiting a loophole if one truely exists in there contract with RCI.
When owners or developers deposit weeks and they are verfied they become the property of RCI and no longer available to the owner or developer who deposited them.
Im sorry the Hurrican caused some owners to lose there weeks but that is the risk the owners and resort assumes and is no excuse for cancelling RCI members exchanges.
The Rules of Membership need to be enforced and followed if the RCI Exchange system is going to maintain any kind of integrity.
We as members already own quality resorts and pay high maintenance fees and have normallypurchased expensive non-refundable airline tickets many months in advance of our exchange vacations.
Why should we pay additional RCI membership fees and exchange fees if were going to have our exchanges cancelled or get bumped to lower quality properties whenever it suits the members resorts needs.
ITs Totally Unacceptable and anyone that this happens to should let RCI know that.
At the very minmum You should get A replacement week at another resort plus your original deposit back and exchange fee refunded as well as a big apology.