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Getting rid of a Westgate timeshare


TUG Member
Apr 29, 2018
Reaction score
Looking for some advice. My mother gifted me a Westgate TS and I let her, which was my first mistake, but that can’t be changed so now I need advice on how to proceed. Any advice on how to dump this TS, that I never use, would be appreciated.


TUG Member
Jul 5, 2010
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British Columbia
The first major piece of advice is to not hire any of these companies, law firms, or charities that claim they can cancel or exit you from your timeshare. At worst, they're scams. At best, they'll charge you thousands of dollars to do what you can do yourself.

If the TS is fully paid for and the maintenance fees are up to date, you can contact the resort or Westgate's legacy program and ask if they'll take your TS back. They might charge you a fee for this to cover closing costs and possibly the next MF but it will work out cheaper than using any of these exit/relief/cancel firms.

You can also list it for giveaway here in TUG's Bargain Deals section. You can offer to pay the closing costs (about $200) and, if you're serious about getting rid of it, the next MF.


TUG Member
Apr 29, 2018
Reaction score
The first major piece of advice is to not hire any of these companies, law firms, or charities that claim they can cancel or exit you from your timeshare. At worst, they're scams. At best, they'll charge you thousands of dollars to do what you can do yourself.

If the TS is fully paid for and the maintenance fees are up to date, you can contact the resort or Westgate's legacy program and ask if they'll take your TS back. They might charge you a fee for this to cover closing costs and possibly the next MF but it will work out cheaper than using any of these exit/relief/cancel firms.

You can also list it for giveaway here in TUG's Bargain Deals section. You can offer to pay the closing costs (about $200) and, if you're serious about getting rid of it, the next MF.
Thanks. I’ll check with Westgate and possibly list on TUG. Appreciate the advice. Liz


TUG Review Crew: Veteran
TUG Member
Jul 4, 2005
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Raleigh NC
Resorts Owned
Joined TUG '96, Wyndham Grand Palms AKA, Presidential Villas at Plantation Resort, 3 bed lockout.
wondering on the "gifting" thing.. did the deed get changed and recorded as well. if she just "gave" it to you and she is passed you don't have to do anything. its still hers and you are the benefactor and can refuse it. make life easier.. just a thought.. good luck but know Waste,,er West gate is not a good company to deal with but give it a try.. let them know you are not able to pay the MF and are close to bankruptcy. ")


TUG Member
Apr 29, 2018
Reaction score
wondering on the "gifting" thing.. did the deed get changed and recorded as well. if she just "gave" it to you and she is passed you don't have to do anything. its still hers and you are the benefactor and can refuse it. make life easier.. just a thought.. good luck but know Waste,,er West gate is not a good company to deal with but give it a try.. let them know you are not able to pay the MF and are close to bankruptcy. ")
Unfortunately it was a legal transfer, deed changed, etc. Thanks.