Getting this message when searching on my iPhone:
Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/tugbbsc/public_html/forums/includes/cron/session.php
Line: 31
Used the tug google search (used the link in your post above). I'm logged in too.
Hi Brian,
This morning (1/7/12) I tried to log into Tug first via the internet app on my Nook Color but received the error message that KLPCA received. This had never happened before. So then I tried to log in to Tug with my Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tablet using the Firefox Browser - same error message. Then tried my Smartphone (HTC Thunderbolt) - same error message.
Then tried using my PC - same error message. This was all using the Firefox Browser and the URL.
So while still using my PC, I tried a different TUG URL ( and was able to successfully log on. I was going to post a new Tug message explaining my problems but discovered this thread first, so decided to post here. I wasn't sure of a small detail - I couldn't remember if my error message said Line: 31 as was in the message the KLPCA received, or if it was a different Line number. So I went back to my Tablet and tried to log into Tug again to check what the error message said. However, now I was able to successfully log on and did not receive the error message. So back to my SmartPhone - log into Tug was successful and did not receive the error message.
Not sure what's going on, as this had never happened before
and hope it doesn't return.