While I agree that the subject of conversation is off topic, I believe there may be a need for more clarification given what has been said so far within this thread.
Ron said above:
Even if this resort is less than desirable, the weeks can be converted to Wyndham points 650000 at $470/1000 points mf...thats desirable, even if the resort isnt
Surely, that result which I have emphasized in red cannot be right.
Ron, assuming you are correct about the conversion result (650K), I have to question the rate per thousand. My calculation indicates that the rate should be roughly $4.20 per thousand for 2012. Of course, any buyer who can and does consider a conversion should also consider the FSP fee and whether or not Real Estate taxes or other costs associated with the property deeded in Hawaii would apply annually.
My numbers and the result obtained were the result of using the E-Bay seller's quote for the Maintenance Fees for the two weeks together [$2,729.24].
Of course the proper technical term for maintenance fee is the Club Wyndham Plus assessment. If correctly quoted, the fee is broken down into two parts. Part A is the Property Owners Association fee which covers items such as utilities, insurance housekeeping and maintenance cost of the resort property. Part B is the Fairshare Plus (FSP) fee which covers the management of the reservation system, staff to run the telephone and computer systems as well as other miscellaneous cost including the Resort Exchange Fee cost.
STILL a current cost per thousand of $4.20 sounds good; but there are a lot of questions that I would get an answer to in writing before making a purchase and especially if I intended to convert after the purchase. If the rate per thousand appears to be too good to be true, it very well may not be true.
It is usually true that one can get the best conversion deal available by going to Wyndham Corporate Direct. Wyndham assigns a point value to each resort based on the size of the units, the location and the season, so it is quite possible that the two weeks being discussed are worth 650K.
It is also true that Wyndham sales at some but not at all Wyndham resorts does offer conversion packages to those who own certain Wyndham fixed weeks in order to make as large a sale as possible; but whether or not such a package has ever been offered to owners at the former Pahio property is something only someone who experienced such an offer could attest.
Such an offer apparently has not been made to anyone who has (so far) posted within this thread.
Meanwhile, the cost to make a conversion has changed periodically over the years. As late as the early Spring of 2010 Corporate Direct, in writing, offered many if not all fixed week owners throughout the mini system CLUB WYNDHAM PLUS and the Plus Partners options and benefits for only $1,795 to convert ONE week without an additional purchase. The next FOUR weeks that a particular owner could have converted were offered at the rate of $995 each.
Obviously the cost to convert has gone up since then and the rate of $2,395 for the first week with the second week for $995 is probably currently correct.
However, as most fixed week owners at Wyndham have experienced, there usually is a minimum up-front purchase required to do the conversion especially if the offer comes through a salesman at a Wyndham Resort.
Having said that, things at Wyndham change often, and what was the case when one or more Wyndham owners inquired may not be the case tomorrow.