Has anyone noticed recently that there seems to be an excessive number of HGVC timeshares available for sale on Redweek? I've been watching over the last several months because I thought we'd add another week to our timeshares since I recently retired. There have always been a fair number of resorts available in Redweek in Florida, Hawaii, and Las Vegas but recently started seeing hundreds more timeshares for sale. Several of the resorts in Hawaii have over three hundred timeshares available for each resort and the same for Florida and Hawaii. And the points-based view shows over 3800 resorts available, which seemed very high to me. Many of them seem to be the Silver resorts that people can't get rid of, but then looking in the points-based view I see many of the premium points Platinum weeks, some at very decent prices. Again, many of them seem to be advertised by a few resort resellers and not sure how reputable some of them may be, but a lot of them are Redweek verified.