I think you will find the offenses are one sided. For the most part, DVC Members are on the defensive.I agree, and I feel really bad about this message repeated over and over by some DVC owners on TUG and the DIS boards in recent days. There has been a tone of snobbery way beyond what I had expected in these discussions about RCI, with some comments downright rude to RCI resort owners in general. But the sweeping overstatement works the other way too -- not all DVC owners believe what they have is gold or that all RCI resorts are unacceptable. I don't, and I hope/believe there are others like me but they just don't bother to join these discussions.
On another note, I do have to ask this: Why do threads on TUG about DVC -- no matter the topic in the original post -- always end up being a huge debate about the pros and cons of DVC, whether it is "worth it" from eyes of DVC fans and critics, etc.? This has been the case for as long as I remember, and I started reading/posting on TUG BBS about eight years ago. It is one thing to state a factual criticism and move on; it is another to post repeatedly over and over, saying the same things, to convince DVC owners that they are wrong or foolish. Clearly DVC owners find value in the ownership to make the higher ownership costs worthwhile, even if the the ownership is a long term RTU, the furnishings are not as luxurious than those in some other timeshares or the units of most resorts are not as large as many off-site timeshares. We have owned HGVC (several), Marriott (several), and other timeshares over the years. When we downsized we sold off all our Marriotts (partly because of the outrageous annual m/f increases -- way higher than what we've experience on the DVC side) and HGVCs, kept our best no-brand RCI trader, and increased our DVC holdings. Those who don't find the other stuff DVC offers to be worth the price don't own DVC, and those who do value the extras do. There isn't a right or wrong here -- just different preferences -- yet each time posts in these threads start to sound like challenges about who is right and wrong on the value of DVC. Is this truly necessary?
I have never seen an attack on a TUG Member for NOT being a DVC Member.