Did you add up the amount he will collect from age 65 to 70? How long will it take for him to recuperate what he collected? So if he say collects $60,000 in those five years (just throwing a number 65 to 70) - how much is the difference at age 70 and how long before breaking even to that amount. Not sure if I am asking right. Will he be 75, 76? to recoup what he gave up.
Same for you - I would at least consider 65.......
I worked part=time the last 28 years and granted did not make much money. But I did take a huge cut and early pension/retirement 55 years of age and 25 years of work. I worked an additional three years while I was collecting (they readjusted when I stopped). I know I was not going to work until I reached 60, let alone 62 or 65 or 70.
I might be dead by then. My sister passed at 47, my brother in law at 47, my other brother in law as soon as he hit 60 and my best friend at 54.......
I don't know - I would really think about it especially if you are good with savings (and sounds like you are since you are willing to wait for 5 years). Just a thought/opinion.
My mom's pension was $33 a month. Yeah, she worked many years ago in a factory. She said, it's mine, I will take it.
I know I have a few years, but I am taking it at 62. Whatever the amount is and if anything happens to hubby - not sure if it's still 60 but I will take it if it happens and I am 60.
If anything happens to him before he reaches 65, I get half of his pension. When he turns 65 (5 more years) - we will have to decide if he wants to keep the whole pension (but then I get nothing) or what percent to take a cut on so I can get a percentage of it when he passes. We are definitely choosing where I get part of his pension. I know of two men who took a lump sum and unfortunately the husbands passed much earlier than expecting and the wives struggled with no pension.
I try to stress to my kids and anyone who will listen, you can never save enough. Tomorrow comes before you know it. Enjoy, but save for tomorrow. It's hard to think of these things when we are young and healthy. I watched my neighbor struggle with only a SS check
and no savings. Her kids helped out as much as they could.