My girlfriend back home (I'm currently at a timeshare in Florida) is making masks with her 2 sons for the hospital her husband works at. She needed elastic. I called my BIL who's watching our house and sent him into my sewing area to look and see if I had any. My sewing closet is a dangerous place for someone with OCD.

I should know.
Anyway he was glad to look and be a part of this project. Put it in the mailbox so no one had to come in contact with others.
Now I've been thinking about this for several days. My doctor said masks don't protect well people. However he also wrote in his blog:
"One question I was bothered with was why
so many younger male Chinese were dying from COVID-19. It seems that in other countries, COVID-19 was primarily killing the old and the sick. Which is just what you would expect from a regular influenza season.
I was speaking to a colleague today, Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD. She is an immunologist who I have been following for years. She forwarded me two articles that could explain why the Chinese (and young Chinese males) suffered such a high rate of mortality from COVID-19.
A February, 2020 article about coronavirus reported that the virus is able to invade the body by binding to angiotensin-converting enzyme II (ACE 2). ACE 2 is expressed in mucosal lining of the oral cavity. So, when exposed to coronavirus, COVID-19 gains entrance into the body by binding to the ACE 2 receptors in the oral cavity."
If well people wore a mask then the virus can't bind to receptors in the mouth. It also prevents hands touching the mouth.
I've been on several planes since 1/1/20. Flu season and I had an entire family in the row behind me sick on the first plane (DTW 1/1). The mom made no bones about the family having caught the flu from the plane ride there. On another plane I sat next to Typhoid Tom who coughed and sniffed the same snot for over an hour. I thought of asking him to go to the bathroom to blow his nose. I was wearing a mask for protection and put a drop of Thieves essential oil on it.
Going forward should we all get our wardrobe of homemade, washable masks to wear during flu season? Would the flu numbers be cut down if schools and airlines required masks during flu season?
Just wondering out loud?