I worked with owner enhancement in LV and purchased 2000 US Collection developer points for a total cash price of $8000.00 for a The Club membership. At the same time I purchased 8500 resale US Collection points from eBay for a total price of $29.00. I asked DRI to contractually paper my developer purchase contingent upon DRI combining my 2000 developer points with my 8500 resale points for a total of 10500 points in The Club.
My 2012 club dues are $1765.45
2012-THE Club(R) Fee 277.00
ARDA-ROC Voluntary Contribution 5.00
2012-U.S. Collection Fee Per Point 1269.45
2012-U.S. Collection Operational Fee 205.00
When I login the DRI website shows that I have one member number with at total of 10500 points. I am very please with DRI, the transaction went very smooth everything closed October 2011 just like DRI said it would. I do not know if I over paid or not. If someone could comment on the price I paid that would be well received.
I have not traveled to far yet but I am looking forward many years of travel with DRI.
I hope this information is of some use.