You must call HGVC to book a Hilton Hotel using HGVC points as its a special perk.
You may want to select a hotel where there's no HGVC resort.
You also want to choose one that uses up nearly all of your points.
I'm not sure if you can go over and use HH-points for the shortfall.
2,900 ClubPoints will be valued at 58,000 HH-points, just shy of 60K.
So you could get 1N in a Catefory 7 or Waldorf Hotel at 50K.
Or perhaps, or 1-N in a Category 3 and 1-N in a Category 4.
To see how poor a use of points this is, compare how many nights your
ClubPoints would get you in a Studio at a HGVC resort in Orlando or Vegas.