How does one buy directly through corporate sales? I presume this must be by phone, or is there a website location where there is information about inventory?
I’ll PM you a number of a rep. They may or may not be able to help you. It depends on your last name. If that rep cannot help you, they will get you to a telesales rep at an office that can. You need to know a couple things first. First, they only sell CWA points these days. They used to sell deeded, but not anymore. Second, if you are going to enroll a second PIC, it must be on your name and the resort must be able to verify you own it before you purchase the points. No longer is a signed sales contract or a recorded deed good enough. I got a report that they are calling the individual resorts to verify ownership. I didn’t think they could do that, but they are. So if you decide you want to do a second PIC, get it first. Make sure all the ink is dry. Back when a signed sales contract was enough, I helped an owner with getting their PIC. It took 6 months for the transfer to complete. She was worried she would lose her status. So if they offer you 60 day grace period, I wouldn’t take it. The best transfer time I heard was 6-8 weeks but it could be longer. You can call telesales to confirm a particular PIC is eligible but the only qualifications should be that it trades in RCI (TPU) and it is a NON-Wyndham resort. That includes WorldMark and She’ll. Diamond, Blue Green, Hyatt, Hilton, and DVC do not qualify for PIC Plus, but they do qualify for PIC Express. However, PIC Express is only good for five years, and the points are symbolic. They cannot be used for bookings.
I believe Timeshare Nation has some that qualify for PIC Plus and they are free.