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Club Wyndham question


TUG Member
Dec 25, 2007
Reaction score
Lee's Summit, MO
I'll admit, I don't follow Wyndham changes and new programs and usually turn off at these "owner update" meetings. We go to Branson, MO 2-3 times per year and just got back from a weekend stay with the family. Of course, we went to the owner meeting on the pretext of offering comments on the new website (HA!).

We have three contracts, Star Island, Cypress Palm and Branson. The Branson one was bought from an individual. Our "owner representative" started off talking about something called "Club Wyndham Access. He talked about maintenance fees at 10, 20 and 30 years intervals. Then in went into a dead buyback line where they would buy back the two Florida contacts, give us 105000 and something about if the units rented, we would get a check at the end of the year. We never got to how much this "buyback" would cost us.

I know there some folks out there who understand this latest sales pitch better than me. What are they trying to do? I know is not a benefit to me!.


TUG Member
Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
You heard lies, half truths and twisted facts. All that sales weasel wanted was to get into your pocket and take your money.


May 2, 2017
Reaction score
Resorts Owned
Ocean walk daytona, Brandon at the falls, and great Smokies lodge
Also they want your deeds

Jan M.

TUG Member
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
Tamarac, FL
Resorts Owned
Wyndham Presidential Reserve at Panama City Beach
Club Wyndham Access
Grandview Las Vegas and Discovery Beach Resort - Both in RCI Points
Woodstone and Summit at Massanutten - Both in RCI weeks used as Wyndham PICs
It has gotten so bad that if they told you it was raining outside you shouldn't believe them until you go outside yourself to make sure one of them isn't out there with a hose making it look like it is raining.

We should all be insisting that anything they tell us has to be in writing. If they can't show you where whatever they are talking about is in writing on the website or put it in writing having it signed by the sales person and sales manager and let you keep those papers then you can be assured it is nothing but lies. They will use a few terms you've probably heard before and take little pieces of factual information and twist it all up to make what they are saying sound believable. An even better solution is if we all videoed those presentations. That would put an end to this in a hurry

That "if the units rented and getting a check at the end of the year" part is a red flag. Sounds like he was making vague references to Extra Holidays. You book a stay and list it with EH. If only a part of the stay sells you just lose the rest of it, EH takes 40% of the sale price that they set and gets to keep whatever part of the stay doesn't sell for their own use. Most of us here on TUG are not big fans of EH.

Other people have posted that the have been told at the presentations about how their maintenance fees are going to skyrocket any minute now, only CWA, Club Wyndham Access, will save them and they will help you escape this dire fate for $15-$20K and you get a lousy 105,000 points. You can find people giving away deeds for 105,000 points and sometimes they even pitch in to help with the closing costs. CWA is a conglomeration of points at some but not all of the Wyndham resorts. You have a contract for access to x number of points but are not deeded. I believe the maintenance fees on CWA is $6 per thousand so not the most favorable maintenance fees.

Baby Jane

Jun 22, 2017
Reaction score
It has gotten so bad that if they told you it was raining outside you shouldn't believe them until you go outside yourself to make sure one of them isn't out there with a hose making it look like it is raining.

We should all be insisting that anything they tell us has to be in writing. If they can't show you where whatever they are talking about is in writing on the website or put it in writing having it signed by the sales person and sales manager and let you keep those papers then you can be assured it is nothing but lies. They will use a few terms you've probably heard before and take little pieces of factual information and twist it all up to make what they are saying sound believable. An even better solution is if we all videoed those presentations. That would put an end to this in a hurry

That "if the units rented and getting a check at the end of the year" part is a red flag. Sounds like he was making vague references to Extra Holidays. You book a stay and list it with EH. If only a part of the stay sells you just lose the rest of it, EH takes 40% of the sale price that they set and gets to keep whatever part of the stay doesn't sell for their own use. Most of us here on TUG are not big fans of EH.

Other people have posted that the have been told at the presentations about how their maintenance fees are going to skyrocket any minute now, only CWA, Club Wyndham Access, will save them and they will help you escape this dire fate for $15-$20K and you get a lousy 105,000 points. You can find people giving away deeds for 105,000 points and sometimes they even pitch in to help with the closing costs. CWA is a conglomeration of points at some but not all of the Wyndham resorts. You have a contract for access to x number of points but are not deeded. I believe the maintenance fees on CWA is $6 per thousand so not the most favorable maintenance fees.

Well CWA skyrocketed this year usually it goes up a few dollars a month but this year between it and another contract we have which is even higher in fees our Platinum fees went up $420 for the year $386 of that was the CWA so not sure they can make the pitch that CWA is more stable. As they add more so called desirable resorts to CWA the fees will keep shooting up. Wish we had never done it. I love Wyndham resorts we go to and feel even though we bought direct from them we are still better off over the long haul than renting from who knows where but wish we had not listened to CWA being everything. Wish we had kept all our individual deeds instead. The deed they won't take back is the higher maintenance Long Wharf. Not sure how they managed to con us into buying that one.