what was
Not really familiar with point systems but the offer o 200,000 points is a bonus for surrendering a deed, paid for by CCHEIt looks like option 1 is the best, but what are the fees for the200,000 points and how many places does that cover? I got 80,000 RCI points for my red week that covered about 3 non-red weeks and needed to pay $250 to $300 for each week. Some had extra resort fee of up to $175 on top of the conversion. Web meeting today at 5 pm Eastern time.
Thank you for that information.Check the state laws there. Most timeshare laws are based on uniform acts, but some states have modifications. Generally, any tmeshare owner can inspect and copy the financial records. You need to get someone who lives closeby to do that, and let an accountant look them over. During a period preceding the annual HOA meeting, you are generally also allowed to inspect and copy the membership list with addresses, which would allow members to organize for their own benefit.
The board and management company are considered to be fiduciaries, having the responsibilty to act in the best interest of those they serve. You might have noticed how often the person who led the webinar said they had the best interest of the owners in mind through this yermination process, but that to me is questionable. I am assuming the mansgement company will get substantial money in fees during the termination. And there will likely be retention bonuses for people like the resort manager. The board members are volunteers but there might be some financial benefit - or maybe they just want to get out of this mess. The bigger payoff will probably come when the property is resold to the hidden buyer. I believe these people are conspiring to devalue the property for the profit at resale, cheating deeded owners in the process.does the board and management company have a responsiblity to work in the best interest of its members? Are they allowed to get money from the buyers or other agents that are unavailable to other members?
Any news on when the checks will be sent to tge former pwners?Don't think 200,000 'CV points' gets you that much, 1 high season week can take more than that.
I’m interested in details of this CCHE liquidation. Did owners agree to terminate? Around the corner from CCHE in Mashpee, Southcape Resort agreed (11/5/22) almost a year ago to windup affairs and liquidate the major part (Condo I) on 12/31/22. Glacially slow. By law, the timsesahe was supposed to file its termination agreement with the Barnstable Registraur. Nada. Did CCHE file anything in Barnstable County yet? How will CCHE liquidate. Someone is supposed to notify owners.The timeshare will likely close and be liquidated. Options are:
1. Pay about $500 to deed back for attorney's fee. (seems high to me).
2. Pay $950 for 2024 yearly and maybe share in profit or loss on the closure and sale of the property.
a. How to find out if there's an loan or other liens on the property?
b. How much is the property worth?
c. Are the sale gear toward benefiting the management company and not the owners?
d. There are about 500 intervals to foreclose on at a cost of $2000 each.
d. Which one to choose (1 or 2)?
33 units with 1/3 acre plus club house. So at least 10 Acres. In my opinion the cost of remodeling seems also high and should have come out of the yearly assessments instead of a special assessment.
Any advise?
I would like a citation of a purchase conveyance of a typically CCHE deed. Where can one be found in the Barnstabel registry of deeds?Any owners at Cape Cod Holiday Estates out there who wish to discuss letter of December 18 from CCHE?