We're settled into the resort's designated hurricane shelter. It's in the laundry building behind the Grand Mayan, which is a warren of rooms. I've tried in vain to figure out an easy exit plan from where we are in the building, but it is a maze of hallways and offices. People are camped out on chaise lounges, office chairs, and spread all over the floor. You can see the best and worst in people at a time like this. It's funny how territorial some people become, and heart warming to see how kind others are.
I must say that the Grand Luxxe looks more solidly built than this building. We are on the second floor, about 20-25' above ground level. The walls are much thinner here than at the Grand Luxxe, so we're all in interior rooms and corridors. The staff is laying and splicing wires down the hallways for fans and outlets, so everyone can charge their electronics! It's quite a sight. The A/C is working in our room so far, thankfully. The staff is still moving guests out of their hotel rooms by the bus loads. No sign of the storm yet.