Anyone else having problems attempting to pay Destination Club Dues? "Make Payment" button doesn't work for me in either Safari or Firefox.
At this time, we are experiencing an interruption in service. Please accept our apologies and re-visit the site at a later time.
This is what I have been getting too for the last three days so I cannot even look up what the fees will be for 2016.This is what I get:
I have not received this invoice as of yet. Is it an on-line thing that I need to retrieve? When is the due date for this billing?
I am an "Enrolled Member", who has not yet received his maintenance bill, and have no trust points. I have already received the Club Dues Invoice.
I am an Enrolled Member who has received all of my maintenance fee bills, but NOT my Club Dues invoice.
I received Frenchman's Cove bill a few days ago. I went into the account to pay it and Aruba Surf Club was posted there so I paid it, but I didn't get a notice. I've heard nothing from Grande Ocean or the Destination Club fee.