TUG Member
Hello, I am fairly new so sorry in advance if I dropped this in the wrong location. I am most likely purchasing a 2 bdrm fixed week 52 at the Banff Rocky Mountain resort. The lady I am purchasing it from insists that the rci points from the week is around 20 and that she has 60 banked with RCI that I can have. I have confirmed multiple times with her but the numbers don't make sense to me. I currently own a Wyndham Bonnet Creek that trades in the hundreds of thousands of points. There is no possible way this has such a bad trading power that it would take a few thousand years to get a week equivalent of mine. Does rci have different points systems? Or is she mistaken? I have googled a lot but can not find a points chart or trade in value for this resort anywhere. Thanks in advance. Have a beautiful day!