Without spending a lot of time examining this data, the only thing I would say to this is that nationwide statistics may make something look a certain way but it may not be the case for the individual circumstances of any particular timeshare owner.BTW...because there is no mortgage, the likelihood that they will do anything other than take back the deed, is small.
Latest reporting here:
Background here:
[ 2022 ] Timeshare Default Credit Report/Collection Tracking
Some of you know I have been tracking this. Out of four (4) more TS defaults reported on TUG Facebook, one (1) got his credit affected. I have tabbed the following stats(updated 5/2022): TS defaults w credit drops: 47 out of 107 TS defaults w collections: 12 out of 107 TS defaults w...tugbbs.com
For example, how many of the timeshare owners that were not pursued for deficiency judgments after default might have owned timeshares in states (like Florida or South Carolina) where the "timeshare entity" could not pursue deficiency judgments by law? Maybe Grammarhero or whoever continued Grammarhero's work already subtracted out such states' timeshare owners to get a representative sample of only those timeshare owners that were "at risk". Maybe not.
Assuming collection cases must always be brought in the state where the timeshare owner lives, how many defaulting timeshare owners lived in states where attorney's fees are NOT awarded to the prevailing party? In Pennsylvania, for example, my understanding is that, no matter what, each side pays their own attorneys. Which makes it somewhat less likely that Pennsylvania residents will be pursued for unpaid maintenance fees.
How many defaulting timeshare owners were judgment proof so that a cursory pretrial investigation made it clear that no judgment could ever be collected from the zero asset, social security collecting person?