Here's my post that set Leslie off (posted at 8:25 pm yesterday)"
The OP's post:
There will only be a deeded timeshare week that the timeshare management will have to figure out how to get the week transferred back in their name without our approval since we are dead."
My response:
That will indeed be a problem for them.
I would contact the timeshare entity and tell them exactly what you told us. Seems like they might want to do a deed back in lieu of foreclosure.
And, quite frankly, if the timeshare happened to be in California, Florida, or South Carolina, I
believe (newly bolded) that the timeshare entity can't get a dime from you even if your profile was that of a millionaire owning a palatial estate and a fleet of luxury automobiles.. The timeshare laws in those states are very much consumer protection statutes as you can read below:
.....Here I linked attorney and TUG contributor Grammarhero's excellent review of timeshare laws across the country.....
For example, in Florida:
"FL, inaction or non-objection results in estate, anti-deficiency foreclosure, but objection leads to judicial, deficiency action"
So if you don't state an objection to their seeking to foreclose or whatever, all they can get is the timeshare back. Which I would think would make them doubly willing to do so (via your signing the timeshare back to them) right away without having to go through any foreclosure steps.
In other words, I thought that the OP should contact the "management" and tell them what he had told us about being 85, etc., etc., etc. Furthermore, if he happened to be in certain states identified by Grammarhero as being non-deficiency states, he would have a key negotiating point in his favor such that they might be "doubly willing to do so" (i.e., a deedback).
And the thing that gets me is that I was advocating a negotiation, not refusing to pay, not walking away, not telling them to go F themselves, etc.
Of course, this was before I found out how the OP had been treated by people I had envisioned might be reasonable people.
Leslie somehow interpreted this as sticking it to other timeshare owners. And became outraged by my suggestion (or Grammarhero's suggestion) that California might be a non-deficiency state. And went on and on for many, many posts about how I was allegedly advocating sticking it to other timeshare owners and how wrong I was (even though I had shared my source) about California (which turned out to be irrelevant as the OP does not own anything in California).
And look at her latest summary of what I said:
"I purposefully did not address the OPs question as I did not know where the OP owned; I simply noted you were pushing disinformation and wanted to correct that disinformation. You seem to think that because you used some AI source)
(???) that you know everything. You don't. If I'd wanted to address the OPs issues, I would have asked the OP where he owned. I wouldn't have just spit out irrelevant and incorrect info like you did. It is so ridiculous when folks like you think you can "get" the developer by defaulting on MFs. I'm simply pointing out the fact that it isn't the developer who is "gotten". It is fellow owners."
"I never intended to address the OPs original question; I simply noted the disinformation being provided by Andre and wanted to make sure that no one was misled by the BS being posted by Andre. Facts are helpful. Details are helpful. Perhaps you don't like facts or details, but I tend to believe they are important. That and accuracy. Unfortunately, many folks on here hate facts or accuracy."
So I was advocating a negotiation. While others, so many others, were advising the OP to just walk away, don't pay them a dime, you'll be fine, etc. And, yet, not a peep to anyone else. Just confronting me about having made mention that there are jurisdictions where you might have a stronger negotiating position. I mentioned that California might be one of them because Grammarhero had mentioned that California might be one of them and she became livid with anger.
How 'bout a simple "We don't know where the OP owns but I think your cited source is wrong about California" and move on?