I think this is the hardest one yet, for me. Even counting the ones I struck out on.
I started looking for vowels with ACUTE. An out of position A. I wanted to try OI so I went with AVOID, although it didn’t change the position of the A. It got the I, also out of position. So, I now think there may be a Y, and debate between FAIRY and HAIRY. I go with HAIRY and add the H, also out of position. Now, I’m stumped. I keep trying to make words to no avail. I finally decide just to try a word and hope something hits. I try SWAMP, thinking maybe I can add a consonant or two. Nope, but it does get the A in correct position 3. I’m still coming up empty, so I try FLAIL and eliminate a couple more letters. I’m down to my last guess and feeling defeated. I finally see that KHAKI works and I curse the Wordle gods!