I know someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that in the restaurant industry, if tips + hourly pay for the week fall short of what they would make hourly @ min wage, the restaurant is to make them "whole" on that, so, every server is making at least minimum wage.
Could this be one of those state law things??
It's true in MA. If you are an owner or manager with half a brain...then you have good idea of your clientele and how the tips average out. By law, you are required to ensure that your staff is averaging minimum wage over the course of the week for their hours. Having said that...if an employee is consistently being tipped poorly and
not meeting that requirement, I'd say it's time to look for a different job and the mgt would likely insist on it. I know I would....because it's
really hard not to meet that requirement...even in little cafes.
As for tipping in general...it's intent is to
ensure good service...so if I havent gotten good service, I'm not being held hostage by the
custom of tipping....and I've been in jobs where my income relied on my tips...so I'm not stingy.
I was speaking with a group from Australia who were impressed with what they considered consistently better service in the US than they received in Australia (excluding tourist areas). They said the waitstaff in AU earns over $14 per hour on average and that, in their opinions, good service was not easy to find. They thought our tipped employees were much more accomodating overall and thought the difference might have been the fact that, here, a large percentage of their pay isnt received until they've 'done the job' ...and how much their income is will depend significantly on performance. This
does encourage service employees to strive to perform to a higher standard, I think....at least for those who can
see the relationship between performance and tip amount.
I've run across a few who seem to think that a tip is their
'right'...regardless of how poor their service and attitude is...and I've got news for them. :annoyed: I dont think people should tip just because it's expected...and if fact screws up the entire concept of tipping.