Finding truth in all their content is my pet peeve.
Finding truth in all their content is my pet peeve.
I want to congratulate TUG'ers on a rational, sensible thread which somehow managed to avoid politics or other contentious issues. Somehow, we've managed to avoid the temptation to throw in a snide remark or two about a source... so far. IMHO, the restraint is a testament to the posters well-honed intellect.
<brown nosing /off>
Is anyone including social media in "the media"? It seems to me that it would be the number one spreader of info of dubious quality.
Is anyone including social media in "the media"? It seems to me that it would be the number one spreader of info of dubious quality.
Is anyone including social media in "the media"? It seems to me that it would be the number one spreader of info of dubious quality.
At least in the media they try to post the truth...![]()
they try to post the truth...![]()
I don't do social media as it's an:Is anyone including social media in "the media"? It seems to me that it would be the number one spreader of info of dubious quality.
Too many people post info on social media without verifying its authenticity, and this is bad. At least in the media they try to post the truth. Social media is used by corporations and well known individuals as part of their media campaigns (every news network and channel has a Twitter account, for instance), so I would define these types of social media accounts as part of “the media”, but other individuals (such as those of us here) I would not.
This forum is social media. So yea, I agree with your first sentence. I disagree with your second sentence. The media/press isn't interested in the truth. They are interested in revenue and profits. Fear sells. Anger sells. Outrage sells. Facts don't matter.
Get your "news" wherever you chose. If you are curious enough, you'll seek out the truth.
If you read both CNN and FOX, which I do, you can draw your own conclusions as to what is real and what is fake news. It still amazes me that headlines on both are rarely ever the same news. They just carry different news or opinion-driven piece.I haven't been a fan of the main stream news media outlets for a long time. I do like most of the weather and business news. Our local news is pretty good.
It's kind of funny that I have friends who quote CNN and FOX and every one seems know what is going on except me, lol.
If you read both CNN and FOX, which I do, you can draw your own conclusions as to what is real and what is fake news. It still amazes me that headlines on both are rarely ever the same news. They just carry different news or opinion-driven piece.
To me almost every media outlet has bias. I read/watch all of them and then decide for myself by looking for other sources that can clarify the truth.
To both of this-if they can post links to their "facts" I will nearly always follow the link to see what it really says. It's why I rarely watch the news anymore. I'd rather be able to fall down the rabbit hole myself LOL. Steve-completely agree about the headlines-been a pet peeve for quite a while.And headlines, don't even get me started. If I read 20 articles on any given day, I find 19 of them with outrageous headlines
I read a story about a reporter who made up a false FB personality to see what happened in the "other' camp. Even though this person was firm in their beliefs they found that being surrounded by an "echo" chamber made it harder and harder to differentiate what was actual fact vs opinion stated as fact, even when they knew the fact/opinion was just plain false. So yea-careful of social media platforms. I broke off and shut down my facebook 2 months ago. Missed it at first, but also-wow-anxiety is better too. Mostly miss seeing the family updates...but I can call or text for that too. It is really amazing too how many businesses don't have web pages, just a facebook page, and even if they have both-FB is more updated.Is anyone including social media in "the media"? It seems to me that it would be the number one spreader of info of dubious quality.
Also agree with the 24 hour news cycle contributing to need to keep generating "clicks" to bring in money to keep operating.You can find longer, thoughtful articles, both TV and text, in places like the BBC or PBS news hour, but most people won't sit still long enough to digest them. I get some of the best analysis of US information from overseas outlets. I think they're less invested, and get more public support (i.e. government) so less need to sell ads.