I will offer our perspectives from our angle as relatively young parents with two young children (<10 yo) and hopefully Novice can relate to some of our experiences and views and find some use in his decision(s).
First, just a little background. We purchased our first TS unit about two years before we got married, before kids came along, before my career really started moving too fast. Fast forward about a little over 15 years to today, we now own several TS units (both through resale and direct/developer purchases). We have mainly exchanged our units over the years (through Interval International, Diamond Resort's internal system, personal exchanges with others, and finally we dibbled a little in Marriott's new DC program) having
very rarely stayed at our home resort(s). We purchased our original unit to exchange to places we saw in the sales lady's copy of the Interval International book (we are not really Las Vegas folk, though that is where our home base is) and we have NOT wavered for one instant from that original 'reason' for purchasing the unit.
Now, with kids in tow, careers in full swing with middle-age
slowly approaching (reality is starting to hit when a recent visit to the optometrist included a conversation about bifocals
), I can truly say that through the many ups and downs both DW and I have experienced in our lives so far, having our TS's has really been one blessing in the sense we have been FORCED to take regular vacations every year. We have vacationed in places we very likely would have never been if it were not for having "pre-paid" trips, we have
many priceless pictures, videos and memories of precious family time to cherish for a lifetime and beyond, we have enjoyed the spacious accommodations at very decent prices, we have been fortunate to have friends and family join us (they would likely not have IF we were in hotels due to the cost), and with my son's many food allergies, having a guaranteed kitchen (even partial one such as at Marriott's Maui Ocean Club, original tower) it has been a godsend to have a choice to cook him meals, even for taking it to restaurants when the rest of us go out to eat.
We are just about to wrap up bookings for our 3rd major trip in 2012 (November in Kauai) and just because we have available space, this afternoon we called DW's god parents, whom we have not seen in about 16 years, and offered to have them join us for a week if they can find time off from their busy retirement. This idea would NOT have even come up if we were renting a hotel.
Yes, the MF's have risen greatly, especially over the past five years to almost an unbearable level especially given the economy has had an effect on us, but the overall value (not just measured in $dollars) our TS ownership offers makes it very worthwhile to own versus the alternative. Having experienced one true benefit of owning timeshares, which is when one has young children in tow, we do feel very fortunate.
We look forward to many more years of enjoyment - one day hopefully to bring grandchildren on trips with us (again, we cannot even imagine such a thing IF we depended on hotels or renting condos from others) !
All this enjoyment comes as a 'cost', if you can even call it that - which is it takes time and effort to learn how to best utilize the TS 'vehicle'. Since you found TUG, as you can already tell, there are many TUGers here who are more than willing to help.