real indicator for the market price, I think, is the price of Club Wyndham Access. Those contracts, for some reason, have been attracting the bids.
When 350,000 CWA contracts start appearing on EBay for under $1000 all-in, then things have changed
700,000 points for under $2000 all-in. The seller pays mf until transfer is complete (May or June?). If the buyer can use all 707,000 points before the end of the year, the CWA contract is essentially free.
576,000 points with no bids at $1799.
It was not that long ago that CWA was selling for $5-10/1000.
It is the slow season, but things have changed versus the slow season of the past few years. There are some fantastic bargains for anyone who has been thinking about buying in.
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