I also asked this question once but got a different answer from what jimf41 posted here. A resort or location may become more or less popular than it originally was so the demand for a resort may change compared to the other existing resorts and they may adjust the points accordingly. New resorts will have more points allocated as most developers have done that everywhere else.I have seen it on the Multisite Public Offering Statement (included in my original docs), but it is quiet if it applies to each resort individually, or across all resorts as a whole.
See last paragraph on the attached excerpt.....
If the words are that vague in a legal document, then they may be able to change it so long the total amount of points do not change unless there are more units in the trust.
I asked this question because the Lahaina and Napili towers were awarded many points for their weeks but it may change one day but we will always have our week to fall back on so I am not too worried about it.
This is different for a true trust owner but it should be a rare exception rather than the rule or trust point owners would be very unhappy if points would be taken away from them that easily.
I would be more worried about a lottery first, if too many people are competing for the same holidays, as they can only adjust the weekly points a little bit to keep everything else in balance in the trust. JMHO.