To the OP:
I'm not a lawyer and don't claim to offer professional advice. That being said...
Louisiana is a community property state. Immovable assets in LA. are governed by LA statute, not by owner's domicile. AFAICT
But, you did state that you opened personal accounts, loans and solely signed the indebtedness without your husband's knowledge. This would make the asset (liability) separate property.
The key test for this appears to be: Were or are any community assets used to procure and/or pay for the property or service the debt? If only separate assets were used to pay (your assets) then it's probably separate ownership. If any community property (assets) were used to buy or service the debt (greater than an insignificant amount), then the ownership is likely community.
Again, this is just internet drivel and not worth the time it took to write this post.....BUT, This should serve as a message to you:
This is not a clear-cut matter for you or your spouse and you BOTH should work together to resolve this financial issue and, hopefully, further resolve your emotional and relationship issues as well.
This is a complicated and painful issue, your story is one of many. I wish you the best of luck and peace in resolving this. Please take the others' advice and get some legal and emotional counseling ASAP to start the new year right and take 1 step--1 day at a time--to reaching a happy and healthy life.
Cheers to having the courage to talk about this, recognize the problem(s) and seek help and guidance.