Most of my exchanges have been great. Perhaps I am not as picky, or perhaps I am just reasonable and don't expect EVERYTHING to be perfect. I have never stayed in a timeshare that deserved a rating of one out of ten.
When I read the reviews I am often amazed at what minor problem "ruins" someone's vacation and leads them to posting the lowest rating possible. Often they say the resort was nice, room clean, location good, but the front desk person was rude or check in took too long. I usually only see the front desk person once or twice in 7 days, and I only check in once. They could not be rude enough to "ruin" my trip.
Others ask for a room change to better view, location, larger unit, recently upgraded, etc on an exchange and have a "ruined" trip because their request was not granted. Constant posts here about empty rooms everywhere but the front desk refused to move them. I go in on an exchange expecting the best locations, views, units to go to owners at the resort while hoping to get one of the best units as an exchanger. Some times I get lucky and that is a bonus, but I do not get mad and have my vacation "ruined" when it doesn't happen. At my resorts where I pay MF's that have floating weeks I fully expect to get the best units, not exchangers. And if I reserve a week as an owner whether I come late or leave early that is my unit I paid for and it should sit empty if I am not using it for the full week just in case I come late or decide to return. Plus the owner might have deposited a unit that was not upgraded or has a poor view. The owner would get the unit that they own if they had used it personally. Why should an exchanger expect special treatment? If you buy resort view at an oceanfront resort do you argue with the front desk that you should be upgraded to ocean view when you are checking in?
Then you have the white glove people who have their trip "ruined" if there is any dirt or dust the cleaning crew missed, a dish was not washed well, a tile on the floor is chipped, there is a stain in the sink or toilet, something breaks (even if it is fixed quickly), a dripping faucet, the wi fi is down, there is no wi-fi, charges for wi-fi, towels not fluffy enough, sheets not thick enough, beds too soft, beds too hard, a drawer handle broken, the appliances/TV's are not the newest and most modern, the counter tops aren't granite, a light bulb is blown, etc,etc,etc, etc.....
Trips are also "ruined" because there were too many kids, no activities for kids, adult only pool, no adult only pool, slow elevators, poor on site restaurants, no on site restaurants, heavy traffic, parking not near room, small lobby, too much noise, near the street, too far from everything, too close to everything, too many activities, too few activities, resort too large, resort too small, pool too small,pool too crowded, resort too spread out, resort too cramped, etc,etc,etc,etc.....
I go on vacation to have fun and relax. Minor things will never ruin my valuable time away from work. I look at the overall trip/resort rather than obsessing over minor problems. If 90% is great then I had a great trip. When I read the reviews from some people I think how miserable they must be in life if a minor problem or two in Hawaii, the Caribbean, the mountains, at the beach, ski destination, in New York, etc "ruins" their whole trip. JMHO.