Emailed response from Stephanie McLean's office.
"Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding Northmont Resort. I am disheartened to hear about the financial burden and hardship that you and many other Albertans are facing.
For too long, Alberta’s consumer laws lagged behind the rest of Canada, and Alberta families were often left in the lurch over bad contracts or unfair deals. That’s why we took action and strengthened our consumer laws so that hardworking Albertans are protected whether they are buying a new home or condo, tickets to their favourite concert, or getting work done on the family car.
When it comes to this particular case, our government has been actively monitoring the situation since it was first raised with us. As Justice and Solicitor General has indicated, court matters are outside of the influence of government and are protected by judicial independence. Ministers of the Crown, including myself, the Minister of Justice and Solicitor General for Alberta, the Premier of Alberta, or even the Prime Minister of Canada, cannot interfere with or comment on court outcomes. These are private legal matters that have been heard and determined in two provinces and are, outside of possible appeals, closed. However, we will continue to listen to Albertans impacted regarding their concerns and provide any other supports that may be available through other avenues.
Honourable Stephanie McLean
Minister for Service Alberta and Status of Women"
The only reason that this whole mess became a "private legal matter" was because we had to fight for our rights as consumers as clearly our laws or politicians had no ability to protect us. Listen away minister...that doesn't help us one bit!