You are right Spark1.. I did a quick search and it seems like the problems started before the insolvency of Fairmont. There's appears to be a wake of destruction that's for sure. There's also a connection between Northwyn and Fairmont and it's people that's more than just a company picking up the assets a bankrupt company - I smell corruption!!
I recently spoke to a sales person that was working in Sunchaser's sales office in Fairmont during the takeover of Fairmont by Northwynd. He told me they were doing well, profitable, making their sales targets, then one day they came in and laid everyone off and closed the sales center.
My question is why? Would it not be in Northwynd's best interest to continue selling off the inventory they had? Selling the timeshares that had turned delinquent? Does the agreement not state that Northwynd would be responsible to pay the maintenance fees of any unsold inventory? So why would they shut the sales center down?
About the same time many Sunchaser timeshares started to appear on Ebay for the sum of $1.00. I wonder who placed them there? Was this a plan?