I have been following this thread since inception. It takes all the courage I have in me to finally post after all these years.
If I sound naive and unversed regarding this entire situation, it's because I am. (I would like to place that blame on my legal counsel, alas, it's too late to point fingers now. I thought I hired him to educate me and keep me well informed throughout this entire process

Unfortunately we all had the opportunity to walk away from this litigation group, I chose not to. MG advised that we had a chance, it was worth staying the course. So I stayed the course, funny, I had a bad feeling in my gut way back then even. The feeling is much worse now.
So here I sit, between this rock and this hard place with a gut ache that's been festering for years....
I have decided the best option for me at this point is to settle and walk away once and for all (at least I HOPE it's once and for all, I don't really know who to trust or believe anymore).
If I've learned anything throughout this entire debacle, it's that it has only gotten more costly for me as time has dragged on.
What has made this difficult decision resolute in my mind is a brief conversation I had with MG. He only had five minutes to spare for me...only five.
I want to share. Words of wisdom in response, or any guidance to offer would be appreciated.
MG advised (this is NOT worded verbatim) that if we were NOT going to agree to this "blind faith settlement" (as I call it) that essentially Northwynd would be able to charge us whatever they wished as an exit fee in the future. Our only guarantee to a "cap" on the cost to walk away is this "settlement offer". Otherwise Northwynd has free reign to charge whatever they wish as an exit fee. Unfortunately the courts sided with Northwynd and have agreed to as much. I don't like that risk. Is it a risk? Or is it a "scare tactic"?
MG also hinted (strongly) that NO judge would want to hear this case again as it's already been tried and adjudicated. No point in trying to "go it on our own" and seek alternative legal counsel. This was discouraging to hear (and was also backed up by guidance we obtained from alternative legal counsel).
This same lawyer we sought out, also advised that it would be almost impossible for us to find
any lawyer that would be willing to take this case on. Even if we did, the cost to employ a lawyer to research this entire litigation and pour over years of documents and trial transcripts to prepare a proper defense would be astronomical.
One more thing, (and this is for you
I signed up for a Lease.
Similar to your lease...I think. (I purchased mine in 2007).
I did not know I became an "Owner" or a "VIA Holder". I had never been advised as such. (I think maybe my legal counsel "forgot" to tell me this a LONG time ago

. It just might have altered my "legal path" years ago. Imagine the dollars I could have saved!!!.....)
I found out only last week, that I was indeed an owner.
I asked MG how this was possible?? My contract states
I am a lessee, NOT an owner!! His response? The courts have ruled that as a lessee you
are an owner, you are the owner of ..."the right to use". (Those words ARE verbatim).
Anyways, my five minutes was up....I didn't get an explanation...
Y'all keep sending your emails, and I'll keep sending mine!! Someone
will listen.