I always get these from craigslist as well. I always give them the name, address and phone number of my state Attorney General. I can only imagine how many checks that guy has received, each one being a scam.
Will the state AG do anything? who knows. but at least I wasted the scammers time and money (postage, etc).
as for paypal, BE CAREFUL! These scammers use paypal as well, except they use STOLEN credit cards to make the paypal payment, which of course, gets reversed on you.
Cash is king.
I love the Attorney General suggestion. I have occasionally sent these scams along to the AG, but never though of using the AG's address.
PayPal payments can also be reversed, so yes, beware even of PayPal. I think - not sure - that if it's a verified PayPal user then it's ok.
In every case, ask for the renter's address - physical address, not PO box - and phone number, and then Google his/her name and address and phone number to be sure everything matches up. Then talk to the person on the phone - you can probably tell pretty quickly if they sound legit.
I've ALMOST been scammed on eBay a few times, but with these name/address/phone searches it was clear the people were not legit. One used an address in Miami for his "apartment number", which was obviously a mail drop, because there were a whole bunch of companies, many with apparent South American, African, and European affiliations, at the same address. He had a bunch of brand-new feedbacks for inexpensive misc. stuff - probably paid for the cheapo stuff to get feedbacks (or invented those users and items as well), then went for the bigger buys (like mine).
I reported them and eBay kicked them off. I'm sure they reappeared immediately with new eBay names. And eBay, the stinkers, did NOT refund my fees even though the sales did not go through! I had to go through a huge run-around with eBay on this, and I can file a claim with some department, but haven't yet.
Always check out your potential renter online and talk on the phone.