I too rescinded successfully
Thanks to this site and me finally coming to my senses, I was able to rescind the contract with Wyndham in time. For any newbie on here like I certainly was, thought I would post my timelines so that if you can get a recent timeline on what to expect. I'll leave out actual dates so I can't be traced
It was a thursday, last day of vacation, and we were roped into the presentation by the hotel "concierge" who is really a shill for wyndham. We paid full price for a nice dinner but did get discount tickets for a show. I would have rather paid the $75 instead of this mess, but it ended well. We signed up! Totally not like me, bad bad bad. Later that night, after the show, I started doing research and found that my same deal could be had for $1000 or so, $24000 less than I paid. That pretty much sucked. So I read the contract and it said I could cancel!
I stayed up late, and wrote a rescission letter. On our way out the next morning, I went to fedex/kinko's, printed the letter, took it back to the hotel for wifey to sign, checked out, stopped at fedex again to overnight it and stopped at usps to certify return receipt it as well. This was a Friday.
On the way home, wyndham called me. I told them then that I was canceling (and that i was on the road). About 4 hours later down the road, they called me again and told me that I must show up in person to rescind. I told him to read the contract.
When I got home, I scanned every post on this forum, found lots of great help and lots of timeframes. I read every document I got again looking for loopholes, there werent any. I did see that I could also tell them in person OR fax it in OR send it in the mail. I chose to do all of the above. That night I faxed in an unsigned copy (by accident), then signed it and faxed it again (it is now early sunday morning).
Also on Saturday, I called the "finance" group and cancelled the "auto pay" options, they said that my records don't yet show the rescission, but that was ok.
On sunday, I got the first call they promised to set up my next vacation, I told them that I rescinded and to please note my account. Also on Sunday, the finance person who signed us up called, I accidentally answered. Basically told her my reasons, she didn't argue, said she was sad, I confirmed that I am not changing my mind, she said OK.
A couple of weeks later, I get a call from someone in Florida that said they are processing my cancellation and need to talk to me in order to process it. I didn't return the call.
Two days after that, I get a noncommital letter in the mail from wyndham saying that they have received my rescission letter, and that if it was mailed within the rescission period, then my contract will be cancelled. It was dated the 5th day after signature, so the letter was dated within the rescission period, i figure i'm golden.
1 day after that, I receive an email from Bill Me Later saying a credit has appeared on my account for the full amount.
Yay, i'm done. Short of a fedex overnight, a certified letter (about $50 in total), a bit of worrying and lots of research, we are golden. The contract is cancelled.
Bottom line, if you followed the instructions in the last clause above your signature in the contract, you won't have problems with Wyndham, they have been very nice to me in this rescission process. Hope that helps other newbies like me!