<snip>... I'm pleased that refunds don't seem to take too long and that at least one section of their organisation is abiding by the law and giving us back our money.
I also feel bad knowing that some people do this kind of thing for a living without remorse - how can they be so comfortable selling lies and valueless crap? I pray to God life never gets that bad for loved ones or I.
First and foremost, congratulations on planning to promptly extract yourself from the slimy clutches of Westgate. Well done!

You are wise to avoid buying a product that you would likely have great difficulty even giving away
for free later.
Truth to tell, these parasitic weasels are actually
fully complying with the law in every way, technically speaking anyhow --- they would never dare to do otherwise.
Sadly, they can (and they routinely do)
orally lie and exaggerate and obfuscate and deflect and still be within the bounds of the law, since they know full well that all that ultimately matters
legally is the content of the
written contract and their compliance with providing (even while attempting to hide) written cancellation (rescission) instructions which apply to the particular state in which the transaction is conducted. (In the U.S., different states have different rescission periods, generally ranging from as few as 3 days in several states to as many as 10 days; Florida being among the few "10 days" states). Don't rescind in person --- do everything in writing, don't call or speak to them on the phone either and use certified U.S. mail for your rescission letter (save the date stamped, counter-issued USPS receipt for future reference).
Make very sure that everyone who signed the purchase contract also signs the rescission letter.
In essence, the way they operate is deceitful, reprehensible and disgusting --- but
entirely "abiding by the law", as oddly contradictory as that description might seem.
Be patient, it could (and it very well might) take up to 45 days (legally) for you to have your refund in hand. Don't answer any phone calls from these parasites either, since no good can come of it. They might not bother to even make the calls in your case, probably being too cheap to incur the trans-Atlantic call expense.
P.S. I am entirely unclear on the specific nature of your "$120 gift" so I am not going to in any way overtly advise you on that point. I will say only that if I personally was standing in your shoes, I would return the "gift" as well as any and all "owner materials " provided to you. What's $120 with $18,000 at stake? But, that's
your decision.
P.P.S. Your notary was still
a company employee and likely well trained to provide certain (non-binding)
oral (...never written) answers to any questions. Enough said.