This is at JoAnn's urging...
Diane H started a thread about ice breakers for parties. I suggested "Two Truths and a Lie." Each person has to make three statements about herself, and the others have to determine which is a lie.
Here's three about me (JoAnn, I'm not going to give such easy ones this time!)
1) I sing baritone in a barbershop quartet.
2) I hate amusement parks.
3) I love to shop.
Any guesses?
Diane H started a thread about ice breakers for parties. I suggested "Two Truths and a Lie." Each person has to make three statements about herself, and the others have to determine which is a lie.
Here's three about me (JoAnn, I'm not going to give such easy ones this time!)
1) I sing baritone in a barbershop quartet.
2) I hate amusement parks.
3) I love to shop.
Any guesses?