TUG Lifetime Member
So do I!!!BTW, I remember paying 29.9¢ a gallon for gas. That's not going to happen again either.
And again that illustrates the point about how deregulation has been a huge benefit to the traveling public.
That 29.9¢ a gallon gas was the same time as I mentioned those $90 one way air fares between Minneapolis and St. Louis. Keep in mind that fuel is the largest operating cost for an airline.
That gas currently costs about 8x to 10x as much in absolute dollars as it did then. But flights between Minneapolis and St. Louis don't cost $700 to $1000 each way.
That's why people routinely travel by air these days for trips that 50 years ago were only done by car, if at all. Herb Kelleher, the President of Southwest Airlines, one time commented that he didn't see Southwest competition as other airlines; h is competition was the automobile. He was one of the first to really grasp that concept, which was only made possible by deregulation. People thought he was crazy.