Kurt, I think you are over looking the luck aspect. Picking the right funds at the right time makes a huge difference on the outcome.
In equities and bonds, you make your own luck.
Our FA is looking for undervalued quality stocks and manage our portfolio. It will be interesting to see where he goes as we seem to be entering a period of stagflation.
Real estate is very illiquid, but is a tangible asset. Unless it has been improved/developed it does not produce income and can be an expense.
Crypto can be stolen from you virtually, there are so many new cryptocurrencies and some of the brokers are questionable for converting to cash. Some of the new crypto funds are questionable in their backing and are using the cache of crypto to reel in investors. If it goes bad, it will be very ugly, it reminds me of Dutch tulips.
Precious metals seem to be driven by times of uncertainty but at least is a tangible asset. Right now, stagflation and competition from crypto seems to have held it back.