If you get serious, PM me and I'll give you some advice on sellers and expected pricing. I've been lurking fur a long while waiting to pounce on a second small account for trading/bonus time etc... The eBay thing goes all over the map and you could easily get taken for a ride. There are also a number of non-ebay sellers who'll provide you with less angst and only slightly higher prices. Another point: WM trades thru II and RCI and this opens up a large number of resorts. Unless you are planning to make the Pacific your new playground, that issue is somewhat moot. You can, of course, buy Pacific club points resale as well. There is a section on TUG with lots of advice and links to the WM forums and TUG-reccomended resellers as well.
Again: unless your familiar with the true value of WM points, I wouldn't bid on any ebay auctions untill I knew what I was doing.
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