You can still eat bacon but it will cost you more! We have been buying bacon with no nitrates for over a year now. Here in Canada it's produced & packaged by J M Schneider or Presidents Choice (Free & Natural). They also have hotdogs and lunch meats with no nitrates or chemicals.
We very rarely use deli meat (full of sodium nitrates & who knows what else). I cook roast beef, roast pork, chickens or turkeys and slice the meat (I have an electric slicer), then I package it up into small packages & freeze it. It is also a lot cheaper that way, especially when our boys were in their teens & each taking 2 or 3 sandwiches daily for school lunches! Our boys' sandwiches were envied by their school mates as their sliced meats were thicker than the deli slices.
My husband eats cold cuts- ham and turkey for his 1/2 hour lunch break- all week at work. He doesn't eat bread, so he actually ends up eating more of the meat. This is what he likes. He has very simple,. tastes. It gets very hard for him to come up with what to take to work that is fast and easy. Sigh...
I work also and I barely have time to cook our meals- do it all on Sunday. I considered doing what you do, but it is getting to the point that I have a lot of anxiety because my day off is used for cooking and I never can get to do anything else. I am so tired of having to do everything ahead of time. Sick sick sick of it at my age. Exhausted from it all.
I make myself a huge bowl of salad and I take a little of that every day or work. I don't eat meat- just occasionally some turkey.
Pretty much we humans can't eat anything I guess. There is nothing left anymore.
Did you hear about the 106 (or 101- can't remember) year old women who said her key to a long life is eating bacon everyday?