If I am interested on points TS for points, is there a major advantage/disadvantage betwen Fairfield & RCI?
1) If needed, you can rent out FF's points or rent out internal FF reservation. You can not do that with RCI points.
2) FF's point is tied to a deed that governed by local government, and very hard to change the point value, RCI can adjust any point value as it sees fit.
3) internal FF exchange has some free exchange transactions. RCI points cost everytime you do a transaction.
4) Unless you buy retail or paying FF $2,395 to allow you put points in RCI point equivlent program, you can not access RCI point inventory and can not use the point to buy airline ticket ... But FF usually has higher maintanence, and thus usually the exchange for point to buy airline ticket is not favorable.
5) Try to cancel RCI reservation, and you pay dearly.
6) RCI point program has no control of its affliate resorts, thus, not all its inventories can be seen, or all its point resort will show at exact 10 month. FF has much better control over its internal resort, but has no control over its affliate/associate resorts. But RCI points has over 1000 ??? resorts (no idea what it maybe), and FF only has 60 resorts
7) RCI has no control over your resort, FF think they can control your resorts, and unless owner willing to, they can easily achieve that.
Actually, any point base program compare to RCI has these differences. I am pretty sure I miss a few differences here or there.
If I commit to buy one on the resale market, is there no law at all that allows me to recind my offer within a certain period?
There is law, but some may not follow it, and you may not know they did not. Much better is to do your due diligent before you agree to buy. Be aware that a few resorts are not very helpful to help clear the information. Probably because all their business model is built on hidding al the information so they can say anything they believe can help them sell you something. But in the end, remember, you are buying a real estate, and local government treat all owner equally. You will always enjoy the real estate you purchase and always enjoy any exchange company you want to do business with and they are willing to accept your resort.